This is our bible of basic points for campaigns in the Facebook ecosystem (FB+IG+3rd party). Each point has a corresponding question. Send us the answers to this email: and if you're a real cracker ....... you'll get a surprise! (we might even hire you)

Point 1: Structure adgroups and adapt creatives according to the audience (cold audience / warm audience).

Should I include a discount for a cold audience that does not know me?

Point 2: Use different prospecting and retargeting audiences, each with its own creativity and frequency control.

Should I use more frequency in prospecting or retargeting?

Point 3: AB testing of creativities.

What KPIs should I look at to see if a creative is working?

Point 4: Frequent change of advertisements.

If my ads have a cumulative frequency of 15 hits in 4 weeks, should I change them?

Point 5: Choose well the kpis to monitor in each campaign and the appropriate level of aggregation to interpret each kpi.

Should I compare the CPAs of ad groups with different audiences?

Point 6: Monitor quality scores / comments / feedback

Do comments that are not visible affect my advertisement?

Point 7: Varied formats

Are the first few seconds of a video really that important?

Point 8: Make the prospecting groups as large as possible for the algorithm to work.

Should I create different ad groups for each segmentation in prospecting?

Point 9: Fully implement the pixel and monitor windows and attribution systems.

Is a larger post-print window appropriate than the post-click window of the same campaign?

Point 10: Holding an audience with your clients

How can I grow my audience of existing customers?

Point 11: Daily monitoring and correct interpretation of results

Should I monitor CPA on a daily basis at ad group level?

We hope you've had some fun and racked your brains, if you've made it this far, congratulations! Send us your answers to and you'll receive a ... surprise!